Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

World-Class Products and Services


The company implements a modern Quality Assurance System and is certified according to the International Quality Standard ISO 9001: 2015 - EN ISO 9001/2015 by the Certification Body TÜV HELLAS (TÜV NORD) SA.

Our promise to uphold high quality and deliver exceptional service has allowed our company and its subsidiaries to remain trustworthy partners both in Greece, Europe, and abroad.

ISO Certification


ISO CERTIFIED 37001:2016

The company implements an anti-bribery management system and is certified according to the International Quality Standard ISO 37001: 2016 - EN ISO 37001/2016

ISO Certification

The company's commitment to continuous improvement of its customer service led to the development of an integrated management information system. The function of this system is to ensure the availability and transparency of information required to efficiently run business operations.

The company has:

  • ERP software (Atlantis) by Altec
  • WMS software (Logistics Vision) by Mantis
  • MIS software (QlikView) by Qliktech

A management information system ensures that there is collaboration between our staff members, efficient communication across different departments, timely updates on new information, and optimized customer service.

This system also helps us cut down on operational costs.

Additionally, the company's facilities in both Athens and Thessaloniki operate with the most modern equipment to further reduce operating costs and optimize the services we provide to our customers.

Our company is committed to the continuous strengthening of human and technological potential, and in the context of achieving this goal, we offer various seminars at regular intervals at the company's headquarters.